Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chezon vs. the Hiney!

Team Body Solutions completed our first team charity walk on Sunday, May 23. Collectively, we covered 2.2 miles in the Walk for Autism at Atlantic Station. Not only were we able to support a great charity, we were able to get in some needed exercise. Getting cardio in on the weekends can be a chore, especially if you find yourself doing the same types of exercises that you did during the week. But the Walk for Autism was the perfect solution.

Because there were so many families walking with us, we started off slower than I expected. But further into the walk an incline was introduced and I was able to get my heart-rate up to the proper zone a few times. Yet, more importantly, I was able to support the Autism Awareness cause with great people. Our team consisted of our adorably cute baby mascot, Giselle; power mom and Body Solutions’ nucleus, Tauheedah; my supportive weight-loss guru, Dan (later nicknamed, Mr. Dan); his beautiful and ambitious girlfriend, Melissa; personal trainer and teeth-blinger, Mike; bubbly sweet Jen; funny and friendly, Jackie, warm and outgoing, Dawn; and my impossibly tall and handsome boyfriend, Jason. Halfway through the walk I was able to catch up with my favorite super-mom-friend, Pam, and her courageously creative son, James.

I’m telling you, everyone needs an active 5 year old on walks like this. James would look at all of the people behind us and excitedly exclaim “We’re winning! We’re winners!” He also motivated me to do the “Hiney!”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“When we walk, you gotta get your knees up high! Higher! Yeah, like that!”

I looked down at James and said “Mr. Dan put you up to this didn’t he? Mr. Dan has me doing exercises like this in his gym!”

“Nope! I learned this in school!” I looked at James suspiciously while lifting my knees. I’m still not convinced that James and Mr. Dan aren’t in cahoots.

Regardless, it was a perfect Sunday morning walk. There was only one thing missing: You! Promise me you’ll join Team Body Solution’s next charity walk.


  1. YAYYYYYYYYY hehehehe. James had an awesome time at the walk and seeing his favorite Aunt Che :)...he of course wanted to play Farmville with Mr. Jason and was upset that I didn't whip out a computer right then and there. hehehe. I love the walk and will do it every year that I'm able for my "courageously creative son James" :) LOVE YOU!!!! oh and we need to see if James' gym teacher knows Mr. Dan..I'm with you on the conspiracy theory!!

  2. @Rare: Mr. Dan knows everybody!
