Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chezon vs. "THE STAIRS"!

Stairs are a sadistic plot created by the government to torment anyone who's out of shape. There I said it! And I don't care if the FBI is monitoring this blog! The truth shall set me free!

Mind you, I haven't perfected this conspiracy theory, but my gluts, my gut and my knees know it's true! And the whole world has bought into it. Look around! Stairs are everywhere!

And, unfortunately, I must report, Dan's fell for it: hook, line and sinker!! He loves 'em! He tells me to go to the top of a flight of stairs; when I arrive breathlessly panting, he asks me to come back down. When I get to the bottom to find out what he wants, he doesn't want anything, he doesn't give me anything. The only thing he wants me is for me to head back up to the top. Sheesh! Again and again with this torture!

And to add insult to burning thighs, he times me! He has this little red stopwatch of evil! It's evil, I tell you! I know this because this week I climb the same amount of stairs in a shorter amount of time than I did last week! Each week he reports that I'm getting more and more in shape, and although my heart rate recovers quickly, I'm still too winded to disagree. Truth be known, I'm afraid to disagree; from fear he might ask me to climb the stairs again to prove his point. He's stubborn like that! But don't tell him I said that. Tell him you heard it somewhere.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chezon vs Busy Schedule (Let's Call it a Draw)‏

Dieting on a busy schedule is like trying to catch an eel with your bare hands underwater: it's not impossible, but it can feel that way.

The last couple of weeks have been difficult. Just when I believed my personal and professional schedule couldn't be stretched any further, we landed in the middle of a family emergency. My boyfriend's uncle had a sudden heart attack. Back and forth we drove over 50 miles to comfort family and offer support. Unfortunately, his uncle passed away a week later.

During this time, I struggled trying to remember to eat. And when I did remember, the chore lied in finding healthier alternatives within vending machines. After a day or two, I quickly learned, my sanity lied in packing my handbag with bottled water and nonperishable snacks.

Now, my life is trying to settle down. I'm still busy trying to play catch-up, but I'm proud that despite the challenges, I didn't completely fall off of my diet bandwagon. It's times like this where you embrace the small victories. Stay healthy, people.